Your 20s can be a wild ride, full of self-discovery, career changes, and personal growth. Along the way, your friendships are bound to change. Some connections strengthen, others fade, and new ones appear when you least expect it. Here's the biggest lesson I’ve learned so far in this decade:
Friendships Aren’t Always Permanent
One of the hardest things to accept is that not every friend is meant to stay forever, and that’s okay. A podcast I listened to recently talked about the idea of not viewing people as permanent fixtures in your life. When you click with someone, don’t immediately think of them as a "forever best friend." Instead, focus on enjoying the present and appreciating the connection for what it is, right now.
I had a friend I was close with for half my life, but over time, I started to feel like my boundaries weren’t being respected, and even the way she spoke about me didn’t feel kind. Letting go of that friendship was incredibly hard, but it taught me something crucial: stop focusing on what you may or may not have done wrong. If someone is truly meant to be in your life, they will communicate what’s wrong instead of letting things fester.
Some friendships are seasonal, and that doesn’t make them any less meaningful. People grow and change, and it’s natural for relationships to evolve or come to an end. By letting go of the idea that everyone you meet is supposed to stay forever, you free yourself to focus on the connections that truly nourish you.
Tips for Building Friendships in Your 20s
Put Yourself Out There: New opportunities often lead to new connections. Whether it’s joining a club, attending events, or striking up conversations in class, don’t be afraid to take the first step.
Open Yourself to New Experiences: Trying new things can help you meet people with similar interests and values. Shared experiences create strong bonds.
Look for Similar Values: I started at Babson today, and it’s already clear that it’s a place where I can build friendships with people who share my drive and passion. Having similar values is key to lasting relationships, and it’s one of the reasons I’ve realized why some of my previous friendships didn’t work out.
Don’t Force Permanence: Enjoy friendships for what they are in the moment instead of pressuring yourself to define them as lifelong connections. Sometimes, temporary friendships are exactly what you need.
Communicate Openly: Healthy friendships require honesty and respect. Don’t be afraid to share your feelings or set boundaries; true friends will appreciate and honor them.
Friendships in your 20s are complex, but they’re also some of the most rewarding. Embrace the ebb and flow, and remember that each connection teaches you something valuable.